All articles submitted to the Ahram Canadian Dental Journal are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers who are qualified experts in the subject field.
The reviewing process in the Ahram Canadian Dental Journal is double-blind. This means that both the authors' and reviewers' identities are concealed from the other party throughout the reviewing process. That is why authors are required to submit the title page containing their identities in a separate file.
After careful consideration of the submitted reviews, the Editor will make one of the following recommendations:
Accept unaltered: The manuscript to be accepted for publication.
Accept after minor changes: The author(s) are notified to submit, within a time period a revised copy of their manuscript with the required changes suggested by the reviewers and/or the Editor. The author(s) should also submit a letter detailing all changes made to the manuscript. The Editor will review the revised manuscript.
Accept after major changes: The author(s) are notified to submit, within a time period a revised copy of their manuscript with the required changes requested by the reviewers and/or the Editor. The author(s) should also submit a letter detailing all changes made to the manuscript.
Immediate irreversible rejection. This also will be the decision if two reviewers recommend rejecting the manuscript.
The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on submitted manuscripts in coordination with the assigned Editor.